If you are a New Customer

We accept company checks, wire transfer, cashier’s check, ACH checks, Credit Cards etc. A 2% (Master, ­­­Visa), 3% (Amex) fee will be charged for credit card payments.

For cash, if the total amount exceeds $10,000, the 8300-form required by the IRS must be submitted. All returned checks are subject to a $30.00 bounce charge and term privileges may be revoked without notice.

If you are an existing customer with Beauty Elements Corp.

We accept company checks, wire transfer, cashier’s check, ACH checks, Credit Cards etc. A 3% fee will be charged for credit card payments. For cash, if the total amount exceeds $10,000, the 8300-form required by the IRS must be submitted.

All returned checks are subject to a $30.00 bounce charge and term privileges may be revoked without notice. If the posted date of the check is overdue date, we may deposit it on the due date.

Please email with your inquiry or contact our WhatsApp number: +1 786 972 1404

If you need the ACH Debit Authorization Form, please download.